Prep Time: 10-15 min.
Cook Time: 6-12 Hours Depending on Style

If you are a mom on the go in need of a quick snack, or a hunter heading out into the woods and looking for light foods to pack in - this treat is the thing for you! Using apples from the Louisburg Cider Mill Country Store, you will find this natural treat to be a staple in your home.
Ground Cinnamon (To Taste)
Apples of Choice - Jonathan Was The Style We Chose
Wash The Apples
Core Out the Apples To Remove Any Seeds
Thinly Slice with a Knife or Mandolin, Should Be No More than ½ in Thick
Pat Dry With Paper Towel
Sprinkle One Side with Ground Cinnamon to Taste
Place in Oven at Lowest Setting for 8-10 Hours or Until Crispy
Optional: Use a dehydrator instead, this can expedite the process to some degree
Easy enough! Now you have a delicious treat that has little weight, but still gives enough of an energy boost with the natural sugars from apples!
Call Louisburg Cider Mill today to see what apple varieties we have in stock this season! Or, shop our other goodies year round in store or online here!